Monday, July 27, 2020

Denial is Not a River in Egypt - Workology

Denial is Not a River in Egypt Denial is Not a River in Egypt A couple weeks ago I was having a discussion with a client about resumes and interviewing.   Typically, what happens is that someone recommends that I can assist their friend in getting a job, we talk, and they try to sell me, very badly I might add on helping them for free.   Do mechanics repair your car for free?   What about your favorite Starbucks barista?   Does she give you your double shot soy chocolate mint latte for free?   Well, you get my point. Denial is Not a River in Egypt As an expert, I am an expert.   I see your resume objectively and through the eyes of someone who has looked at thousands upon thousands of resumes.   Ive facilitated more interviews than days Ive actually worked since graduating college.   What Im really saying is that Im an expert and I know my stuff. More people should see your resume like a visit to the mechanic.   You might think that your resume is fine and with a car wash and turning up the volume on the radio dial, that squeaking and scraping noise might go away.   A resume is a lot like a tune up.   An expert, like me takes a look at your resume, changes the oil, rotates your tires, and maybe vacuums your car.   Often times, your resume already has good information, it just needs a vacuum and an oil change before its ready to go out on that long trip.   Other times, your resume needs a new transmission, a complete overhaul.   I know, I know.   You dont want to admit it either.   In fact, youve been turning up the volume on your radio to avoid the noise and telling yourself that by using the premium gas that sound will go away.   Believe me.   Ive been there.   Its called denial, and not its not a river in Egypt. The difference between your car and your resume is that when your car breaks down along the highway, you know in that construction area with no room to pull over, you know its broken and seek out the expert to get it repaired and back on track.   With your job search, your resume could be only a small part of the problem.   Unfortunately, it is the most overlooked piece of a job seekers job search.   Your resume is the first impression you have with a prospective employer.   Its alot like the exterior of your car.   I remember that my guy friends in high school would spend hours detailing, washing, and waxing their car before they went to prom, just to make an impression whether it be for their date or for their friends.   A properly written resume is no different.   A resume can be a game changer.   It could be the difference between whether or not your prom date decides to go to the after party or heck, if they even get into the car when you pick them up.

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