Friday, May 8, 2020

The easy-peasy-lemon-squeezy way to update your resume - Sterling Career Concepts

The easy-peasy-lemon-squeezy way to update your resume The easy-peasy-lemon-squeezy way to update your resume So were almost two months in to the new year, and new years resolutions are beginning to falter. How many of you made a mental note to keep your resume better updated this year? Or to not put off updating your resume until the last minute? For some, easier said than done.Rather thanpost another entry full of reminders of why its important to update your resume every six months or once a year, I thought Id share a real-world suggestion for how to streamline and implement those bi-annual updates. Setting yourself the goal of updating your resume every year isnt going to be effective if, when the day comes, youre staring at ablank page trying to recall the events ofthe past year. So make updating your resume a part of every day, week, andmonth. Set up a file folder in your desk and create a new folder in your email account so that when something comes across your desk or through your emails, you can file it away immediately into a keep pile. If you dont want to forget about a particular project or outcome, email yourself notes on it and then file that email in your update folder along with testimonials andwords of appreciation from colleagues, clients, and managers, performance reviews, project specs,or c ompany newsletters and flyershighlighting strong performing products,divisions,and teams. You get the idea. This way, everything is one place when the time comes, and youor your professional resume writer willbe able sort through, prioritize, and thenbegin updating your resume with your most recent accomplishments. See? Easy peasy lemon squeezy!

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